A few words of advice, though, from an experienced coach. Just close the sticky-sealed bag after you've eaten a whole row. It's probably best not to pretend like the whole row is doing a wave at your basketball game before you eat them all and move on to the next row. And, don't submerge your best team player of an Oreo too long, or you'll have to give it Oreo CPR and carry it out on a paper towel stretcher. It loses a lot of precious crumbs, and when that happens, it's dunking life is not so awesome. Finally, find someone to share an Oreo with. Being a team player is always good.
"I believed in myself. I never imagined myself as just an ordinary player."
HAhahahah! I LVOE you're final quote! I believed in you too! :) Blessings my dear Lindsey!